

(Scardinius erythrophthalmus) 1770
Caught by:
bucinskasarvydas Arvydas Bucinskas
Time of catch: 06/25/2016 03:33 PM
Fishing technique Float fishing
Location of catch:
Unknown Unknown
Scotland kingdom, Scottish Borders unitary district, United Kingdom
Bait/lure: dzikas kokuruzas sumustinis Dko
Added by: bucinskasarvydas Arvydas Bucinskas
North, 7mph
normal, steady
waning gibbous

Catch comments (14)

5 out of 14
catchingfishkev stinking polish cunt
Christopherblake5.55565 What a fucking wanker. If I catch you fishing anywhere I will fucking destroy you! Fucking cunt!
jnstev545 Happening everywhere, quite fond of swans too
Pikehunter69 Do these people know it's actually a criminal offence to kill course fish species. That and because of sepa we can't restock them in 'wild' waters. All fish killers should die a slow death.
Johnnymurray100 Why did you kill the fish. It's catch & release you fucking muppet.
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Congratulate bucinskasarvydas