

(Tinca tinca) 1172
Caught by:
Weight: 2lb 3oz
Time of catch: 08/19/2016 02:09 PM
Fishing technique Float fishing
Location of catch:
Uosintėlis Lake
Utenos county, Anykščių district municipality, Lithuania
Bait/lure: Corn Natural bait
Released: No
Added by: sosied
calm, %speedMilesPH%mph
low, change unknown
new moon

Catch comments (4)

4 out of 4
dzintars01 cia per abu kilas ?
sosied Nezinau, nei vieno nesveriau. Svori parasiau tik is idejos. Siaip is akies tai buvo apie kokius 700g. Daugiau nei puse kilo, bet maziau nei kg :D
dzintars01 ale grazus :)
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