
Eurasian perch

(Perca fluviatilis) 2376
Caught by:
Weight: 7oz
Time of catch: 09/25/2016 08:30 AM
Fishing technique Float fishing
Location of catch:
Neman River River
Hrodna region, Dzyatlava district, Belarus; ...
Bait/lure: Redworm Earthworm Natural bait
Released: Yes
Added by: zalciukas
East, 5mph
high, rising
waning crescent

Catch comments (5)

5 out of 5
Ruukas Sveikinu
valdas3000 Šaunuolis.
kit kur kur kur kur...?????))))))
zalciukas Nemune, Nemune, Nemune , Nemune....
zalciukas Ačiū už sveikinimus!
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Congratulate zalciukas