
Pike perch

(Sander lucioperca) 1448
Caught by:
carstenas Kestutis Mejeris
Weight: 11lb 7oz
Length: 2ft 8in
Time of catch: 08/03/2017 04:11 PM
Fishing technique Jigging
Location of catch:
Kuršių Lagoon
Klaipėdos county, Neringos city municipality, Lithuania; ...
Bait/lure: Guminukas Silikoninis masalas
Added by: carstenas Kestutis Mejeris
calm, %speedMilesPH%mph
low, change unknown
new moon

Catch comments (3)

3 out of 3
carstenas Carsten Lures Masalai dirba.
mantyny Sveiki. Kur galima tu masalu paziuret? Kazkaip info nelabai yra. Cia rankdarbiai?
carstenas As pats gaminu,taip tai mano ranku darbas.
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Congratulate carstenas