
Northern Pike

(Esox lucius) 505
  • Northern Pike
Caught by:
Liutkus Eugenijus
Weight: 3oz
Length: 7in
Time of catch: 05/04/2023 06:00 PM
Fishing technique Float fishing
Location of catch:
Vėjinės Pond
Šiaulių county, Kelmės district municipality, Lithuania
Bait/lure: Earthworm Natural bait
Released: Yes
Added by: Liutkus Eugenijus
calm, %speedMilesPH%mph
low, change unknown
new moon

Catch comments (3)

3 out of 3
Liutkus Aš irgi atsidariau lydekų žūklėje ;-)
zvejys19 Monstras liuks...
vezys jo jo geras
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