
Northern Pike

(Esox lucius) 968
Caught by:
minduxs10 Mindaugas Bartašiūnas
Weight: 4lb 6oz
Length: 2ft 3in
Time of catch: 09/13/2015 07:45 AM
Fishing technique Spinning
Location of catch:
Antalieptės HE Pond
Utenos county, Zarasų district municipality, Lithuania
Bait/lure: nezinomas Twister Soft bait
Released: No
Additional information:
Guminukas ešerio imitacijos, viena lydeka 1.6 kg 63cm, kita 2.06 kg 68 cm.
Fishing trip: Spiningavimas
Added by: minduxs10 Mindaugas Bartašiūnas
Southeast, 9mph
high, falling
new moon

Catch comments (2)

2 out of 2
Myngas Grazios lydekaites, del tokiu verta pastoveti prie sviesoforu ant zarasu kelio. Ar gal pro kur kitur vaziuoji?
minduxs10 Pro ruklius, nes ten draugo valtis, tai truputi maziau laukt reik ant sviesoforo
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