
Largemouth Bass

(Micropterus salmoides) 854
Time of catch: 10/11/2015 10:00 AM
Fishing technique Jigging
Location of catch:
Vygeboom Dam Lake
Mpumalanga province, Ermelo magisterial district, South Africa
Released: Yes
Additional information:
Caught between weeded patches on the South Bank where the water was a bit calmer as the boats and wind is always an issue at Vygeboom. Struggled to get them to hook but managed to get two at least.
Added by: FlipJigFinesse
Northeast, 7mph
normal, rising
waning crescent

Catch comments (2)

2 out of 2
BlackBlood bas amerikeciu eserys
Want more details? Want to send your congratulations? Comment below:
Congratulate FlipJigFinesse