
Northern Pike

(Esox lucius) 1628
Caught by:
Quantity: 2 fish
Time of catch: 10/01/2015
Fishing technique Spinning
Location of catch:
Loch Lomond Lake
Scotland kingdom, Argyll and Bute unitary district, United Kingdom; ...
Bait/lure: Wobbler
Released: No
Added by: easen

Catch comments (4)

4 out of 4
captkable Did you kill these?
djoconnor Too many pike being killed in Scotland now. The polish have almost wiped them out!
Salmonchaser You certainly have a point about the big decline in pike and other species that I have witnessed the poles kill for the pot or just for the fun of it, put them back folks !
Christopherblake5.55565 If I catch you killing any fish I'll smash your skull in you filthy piece of shit
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Congratulate easen