

(Mesonauta acora) 1207
Caught by:
klevas242 Jonas Salna
Weight: 5lb 8oz
Length: 1ft 10(1/2)in
Time of catch: 01/18/2016 01:20 PM
Fishing technique Avizele
Location of catch:
Erzvėtas Lake
Utenos county, Ignalinos district municipality, Lithuania
Bait/lure: Bloodworm Larva Natural bait
Added by: klevas242 Jonas Salna
Southwest, 6mph
normal, falling
waxing gibbous

Catch comments (2)

2 out of 2
Marios_iki_keliu Gilutaitis sale toks ezeras.. Gaudei? Pagavai?
WALDUKAZzz Kur taip zvejiojai jai nepaslaptis
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Congratulate klevas242