

(Lota lota) 2292
Caught by:
Weight: 11lb 3oz
Length: 2ft 10in
Time of catch: 12/09/2008 12:00 AM
Fishing technique Bottom fishing
Location of catch:
Neman River River
Hrodna region, Dzyatlava district, Belarus; ...
Bait/lure: Gyva žuvelė Gyva žuvelė
Added by: petras1959
calm, %speedMilesPH%mph
low, change unknown
new moon

Catch comments (4)

4 out of 4
pilviskiai nu grazi,kitaip nepavadinsi
egislv Ikelia 2008-12-09 laimiki apsurdas ,tai gal keliam laimiki nuo 1948 m. :D
petras1959 Jei nepatinka gali nežiurėti.
martiekimas Grazi zuvyte,foto spalvota,ne 1889m,kaip viskas ir ok. EGISLV pagausi grazesne,visi pasigrozesime..........
Want more details? Want to send your congratulations? Comment below:
Congratulate petras1959