

(Tinca tinca) 1004
Caught by:
Gramasz Domas Jurevičius
Weight: 1lb 8oz
Length: 11(1/2)in
Time of catch: 06/27/2016 08:58 PM
Fishing technique Float fishing
Location of catch:
Klaipėdos Canal
Klaipėdos county, Šilutės district municipality, Lithuania
Bait/lure: Redworm Earthworm Natural bait
Released: No
Added by: Gramasz Domas Jurevičius
Southwest, 2mph
normal, rising
last quarter

Catch comments (3)

3 out of 3
Gilziux Tik 100 gramų apsirikau. Ko foto kreiva?
Gramasz Per tel keliu nemokejau pasukti :)
Gilziux Tai kam kelti lėvą kokybę ir kreivą?
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Congratulate Gramasz